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Seattle, Washington
Protopresbyter Serafim Gascoigne,

Monday, May 9, 2011

I hear that Disney is offering chocolate frogs at its $250 million theme park based on Harry Potter. I thought the US was in recession but apparently there is still oodles of money around and some people will always find the cash to enjoy their particular brand of fantasy. I found the first HP book a good read. The prose was lean (just as I like it) and it was a clever story. It reminded me of Enid Blyton and her naughty pixies….not literally, but it had a simple ring about it. I would recommend HP as a fun read but not call it a classic. I don’t expect that Disney will turn my novel into a film that breaks the box office nor do I envisage a theme park, complete with a Russian SB-6 bi-plane and a concrete replica of Mt Ararat...and chocolate snakes.    A Supernatural Adventure